Dear Reader of my First Newsletter

I spent a long time trying to figure out how to go public. I wanted to talk to you, and I didn’t know how to do it so it wouldn’t make me cringe.

I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to come up with the Lise Brenner take on things like what is dance? How do I choreograph? What’s authentic to me and not a part of someone else’s take on the world?

I felt a real distrust of the idea of another newsletter, another blog – there’s so much stuff out there that I have no time or motivation to engage with.

So, I’m starting an experiment in doing what I love. I’m giving myself permission to focus on what interests me most: how people make stuff. This is not just about knowing how to carve wood or cook. This is about what it means to be positively obsessed. To know you are going to this thing, whether it’s making a business or writing a book. It’s about saying that the world as it exists needs something and you know what that something is and you are going to do it.

My something is that I want to live in a world where everyone I know is deeply interested, positively obsessed with what they find necessary and wonderful. My goal for this newsletter, and for my business, is to be here for anyone who wants this world too.

I’m looking to help all of us to understand more about the real skills, the ways of thinking and being that allow creative ideas to become the greatest daily realities any of us can imagine. What I’m really interested in is how good people make great stuff happen.

YES! Let’s celebrate and explore.

Lise Brenner